
La Spezia, Italy

Albums by Oreyeon

Related Artists

If you like Oreyeon, you might like some of these artists. Oreyeon and the artists below are tagged as Space Doom.

Under the Influence

These are the artists and albums that influence Oreyeon, according to the band.

Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath

Black Sabbath

Black Sabbath

The beginning of It all…..we grew up listening to Ozzy-era Sabbath…every sabbath album is great but this Is the one that better represents the bridge between blues roots and the birth of modern heavy music.

Alice In Chains - Dirt


Alice In Chains

AIC really inspired us as a band.Their approach to melodies and heavy rock really got us…their style Is unique and layne’s vocal performance is top notch

Hawkwind - Doremi Fasol Latido

Doremi Fasol Latido


This records sounds like a 70s sci-fi b movie on acid! Love the atmosphere ,the attitude…everything in this record is perfect

Kyuss - Welcome to Sky Valley

Welcome To Sky Valley


Huge influence for us…every single member of Oreyeon experienced amazing trips with this lp as a soundtrack so this had to be in this list. This Is the band that initially brought us together to form a band

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