10,000 Years
Västerås, Sweden
Albums by 10,000 Years
Related Artists
If you like 10,000 Years, you might like some of these artists. 10,000 Years and the artists below are tagged as Doom Metal.
Under the Influence
These are the artists and albums that influence 10,000 Years, according to the band.

Black Sabbath
“Black Sabbath is the foundation of everything we do.”

Kill ‘Em All
“The ferocity and pure energy permeating this album continues to inspire awe to this day.”

Blessed Black Wings
High On Fire
“The band that uniquely personifies what stonermetal means and is and this album is their finest hour.”

Welcome to Sky Valley
“The ultimate stonerrock classic from the ultimate stonerrock band.”

“Leviathan for its unhinged creativity and for opening eyes to what is possible with metal.”

Crack the Skye
“Crack The Skye for its epic scope, conceptual brilliance and emotional weight.”

The Man Behind the Machine
El Gordo
“Dear friends that introduced us to stonerrock once upon a time.”

Taste the Sin
Black Tusk
“Also a benchmark for what stonermetal is. The punkedge to this makes it all the more bad ass.”

Spiral Shadow
“Landmark album and band in so many ways. The sheer creativity on display here is insane.”

Songs for the Deaf
Queens of the Stone Age
“Stonerrock goes mainstream. Brilliant songwriting and imaginative playing.”

Through the Eyes of Heathens
“A latter day classic that took stonerrock to new places while staying true to its legacy.”

Gods of the Earth
The Sword
“This and Age Of Winters will always be The Swords ultimate legacy. Albums that just never lets up and chockfull of riffs.”