Albums by AAWKS
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If you like AAWKS, you might like some of these artists. AAWKS and the artists below are tagged as Heavy Psychedelic.
Under the Influence
These are the artists and albums that influence AAWKS, according to the band.

Master of Reality
Black Sabbath
I’ve always loved how Sabbath could be heavy and evil but still maintain a sense of fun. They weren’t afraid to throw some rockin’ party vibes in songs next to doomy, evil parts while still maintaining an authenticity.

Pink Floyd
All the early Floyd stuff is phenomenal in my opinion. This album is a culmination of all of the looser, more psychedelic, lighter in mood stuff that I can’t get enough of. Still heavy as hell and with some of my favourite vocal harmonies in rock. The moments of driving groovy, heavy rock mixed with the vocal harmonies is very much an influence on our stuff.

In Search Of…
This album has such a killer, thick, warm and full sound and has been in my rotation for decades now. I love all of Fu Manchu’s stuff but the overall sound on this album is ungodly and is a massive influence on our songs. Also, the way they connect riffs, use syncopation and dynamics is a huge thing for us.

I’m a huge fan of thick, atmospheric, hypnotic riffs with simple, powerful, pummelling rhythms and melodic, hauntingly beautiful vocals. Our songs are heavily influenced by Windhand’s use of all of these things.

This album is a very special one for me. I love the way they capture the nasty, occult Electric Wizard vibes but also the way they write tightly written riffs and hooks a la Black Sabbath and how they pay homage without sounding like either of the aforementioned bands. I’m influenced by so much music but my hope is to shine the light of that influence through our own lens.