Salt Lake City, UT USA
Albums by Hibernaut
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If you like Hibernaut, you might like some of these artists. Hibernaut and the artists below are tagged as Doom Metal.
Under the Influence
These are the artists and albums that influence Hibernaut, according to the band.

The Art Of Self Defense
This album has remained an inspiration for the past 20+ years and grabs me every time I listen to it. I’ve been under its influence for a long time. It’s raw power and murky drive connect with the primordial origins that remain in us all. And soon we will have a remixed/remastered version to listen to with awesome new artwork by Jordan Barlow.

Celtic Frost
A true masterpiece, simultaneously disgusting and beautiful, aggressive and pleading. Not just a collections of songs but a journey I enjoy taking often.

As Heaven Turns To Ash
Heavy, the heaviest. You can tune down lower and play slower but you can’t match the heft of this momentous/monumental album. I love how it feels, like a weighted blanket.

The Aftermath
I think the pessimism and disgust this album radiates has long been an outlet for a torrent of emotional turmoil that rises through the cracks of the broken concrete that is our civilization.

Raza Odiada
What a great influence! Their other albums are awesome too but I listened to this a million times in the late nineties and still love to give it a spin.

Demons and Wizards
Uriah Heep
One of my favorites, I listened to this every morning for two years straight so I’m sure that I’m under its influence.