Jack Harlon & The Dead Crows
Melbourne, Australia
Albums by Jack Harlon & The Dead Crows
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Under the Influence
These are the artists and albums that influence Jack Harlon & The Dead Crows, according to the band.

Siamese Dream
Smashing Pumpkins
This album is essentially the ‘bible’ for Jack Harlon records. It’s basically a fuzz pedal extravaganza. Blenders, muffs, rats, 8 bit shit. Its all here. Basically anything the pumpkins did in 1994 is GOLD. Peak band argument and drug taking era.

Garden Window
I fell in love with O’Brother after seeing their first Audiotree live session. It was filthy emotional garage at its finest. I bought a peavey T40 bass purely because it was used on this record and I have not regretted it since.

Off the Bone
The Cramps
I first heard of the cramps when I’d skateboard in highschool. I could never understand how he in that weird ‘yodelly’ way in ‘Can’t Hardly Stand It’. Turns out it was a thing called slap back delay. It now heavily underpins our vocal sound. The cramps are just one of the most badass bands in all of history.

Origin of Symmetry
I usually get a few eye rolls when I bring up muse, but their early records have the most face melting fuzz factory sounds. If you listen to this album you will immediately pick how much I base my guitar solos off of it. Twisting, crispy, screaming alien shit. Thats where it’s at.