Stockholm, Sweden
Albums by Lowrider
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If you like Lowrider, you might like some of these artists. Lowrider and the artists below are tagged as Heavy Psychedelic.
Under the Influence
These are the artists and albums that influence Lowrider, according to the band.

Siamese Dream
Smashing Pumpkins
There’s a definite before and after hearing this record. I was in my most impressionable, like 14-15, and everything just clicked for them on that record. It’s heavy as fuck, but soft still. It’s like being run over by a train made of cotton. Not a big fan of where they took the band after this record, but this one is just solid as a (cherub) rock from start to finish.

…And The Circus Leaves Town
There’s just no record that has shaped me more than this one. From the moment I heard it my musical world was forever changed. It’s so it’s own thing, even within their catalog – and actually the only record of theirs I think is perfect. They just peaked here, creatively and sonically. Scott Reeder’s bass playing on this record taught me how to play bass, pretty much. I’m not hating on Sky Valley or Blues for the Red Sun, but they have moments where I’m not fully on board. Circus is just one long perfect sonic trip.

A later in life love of mine, but this record changed how I think about soundscapes and production, especially for vocals and drums. It just holds so much emotion, and still is so dark and mysterious. A record to get lost in. Absolute perfection in all its imperfections.

Prince Blimey
Red Snapper
Endlessly cinematic and filled with long jams and soundscapes, this is, alongside Aphex Twin, Warp Records and the UK trip hop/drum & bass scene at it’s finest. It’s the soundtrack to my favorite movie that never got made, besides in my head. It also redefined how I thought about drums and bass, much like Kyuss they are centered around their rhythm section, and it just murders.

I loved a lot of stuff that came out of Seattle, but no band and no release hit harder than this record. Both prior and after this, I’m having issues with them being either too metal, or too soft, but here they nailed both the songs, the performances, and the production. Drums especially sounds absolutely fantastic, and Cameron’s playing is second to none. A lot of clone bands came along aping the big grunge bands, but no one ever sounded like Soundgarden, because it’s just way too hard doing what they do.

En ny tid är här
Sweden’s best kept 70’s secret, and probably the best power trio ever. An amazing debut album, and the riffs and drums are just PHENOMENAL. I envy anyone who gets to hear this for the first time.

Jazz på Svenska
Jan Johansson
If anyone ever wondered where we get our quirk for the melancholy from, here’s the source. An absolutely beautiful, minimalist dream of a performance. Piano and upright bass only, and yet it packs more emotion than anything ever recorded.