The Same River
Athens, Greece
Albums by The Same River
Related Artists
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Under the Influence
These are the artists and albums that influence The Same River, according to the band.

Vol. 4
Black Sabbath
“We are trying to recreate the old school sound of 70s era guitarists as Tony Iommi did. We push the pre amp section of our amps with more gain, to accomplish the “fuzz” sound but with no fuzz. This is a great way to control your sound with your fingers ’cause you can go from clean sounds to heavy distortion just with the dynamics of your playing and the volume knob.”

Lightning at the Door
“Even if is not our fav atw record, it captures this filthy ricky sound better than the other ones. We have a very similar bass sound, so it was no brainer for us to check how this guys working with the low frequencies.”

Live At Pompeii
Pink Floyd
“The holy grail of our sound as for the synths and sound effects. The vibes there are beyond the human understanding.”

Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin
“We use a same drumkit like his greatness John Bonham. For our drummer is a huge inspiration to his play style.”

Strange Days
The Doors
“The way the effects are incorporated into the vocals and the intelligent use of space echo are a huge inspiration for us.”